Monthly Archives: February 2020

That time of year again!



Hi families, I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend. A taste of Spring was certainly in the air. It is hard to believe that it is already report card and interview time again! Report cards will be going home next week and we will also be having our parent-teacher interviews beginning next Tuesday. The online interview booking system is live, so please go to the link on the West Royalty website at your convenience and book in a time to come in and have a chat about your awesome kiddo. A reminder that the live booking is only available between now and Friday.

This week in Math we are continuing to practice our division strategies for dividing a two-digit by a one-digit number. The strategies include:

Think multiplication:

Ex: 51/7=

Think…7x? gets me close to 51…

7X9=63…Too high!

What about 7×7=49?  That’s pretty close to 51!


So 2 is my remainder


Making equal groups:

Ex. 51/7=

51 divided into 7 groups…

Think…start putting 51 into 7 groups


7 equal groups with 2 left over

With these strategies the kids are quickly realizing how important their multiplication and division facts are and how much more efficient it is if you don’t have to count out equal groups. This week for homework I am sending a multiplication and division fact practice sheet. Have your child work on it and hopefully it will be a great way to see how they are doing with their facts and where they need to spend more time.

Other homework will include nightly reading and a new word list for word work coming on Tuesday.

This Wednesday is Pink Shirt for Anti-Bullying day. We will be incorporating this topic into both our Reader’s and Writer’s workshops this week. We will be reading stories related to the topic of bullying and also writing some fiction and non-fiction pieces about personal experiences with bullying.

A reminder that there is a professional development day on Friday so there are no classes for students.

I think that is all for now. Thanks for reading and have a fantastic week!



Reward Day!



So 4A has done it again! They have worked hard and earned their 100 point reward time. They have unanimously voted to have electronic time in the afternoon. If they have family permission they may bring in a personal electronic device to use at reward time. We discussed the risk involved in bringing a device to school and they must have family permission. Chrome books, board games and drawing will be available to anyone who doesn’t have their own device. A reminder that there is no access to wifi and no violent games, videos or photos are permitted. I am taking a personal day tomorrow to attend family day at my son’s Kindergarten, but my guest teacher is well informed about the rules surrounding electronics. Congrats to fantastic 4A on a well-earned reward! Thanks and have a super weekend!



Happy Tuesday!



Wow! A big thanks to all the families that made teacher appreciation week so special. We certainly felt the love at West Royalty this past week! 4A had a busy week with all our procedural presentations, wrapping up our work with Ms. Dickie, a snow day and Valentine’s Day! We will be doing a bit more assessing this week as report cards are just around the corner. Parent teacher interviews will be taking place the week of March 2-6th. Online interview booking will be going live sometime next week, so please keep an eye out for that.

In math this week we will be continuing on with our work with two by one digit division. The next outcome on the horizon will be fractions up to one whole.

We had our Rocks and Minerals unit interrupted a bit with presentations and trying to make up for snow days so I hope to get that back on track and even possibly finished up this week.

A reminder that Friday, February 28th is a P.D. day and there are no classes.

Homework this week consists of a reading assignment: Each child is coming home with a book for them to read to (or share read) with a parent or older family member. The book are at levels that should be comfortable for your child to read mostly independently but may require some support with the vocabulary or concepts. Please take your time and do a few pages each night and have a chat about what your child is reading. Ask them questions to check in on their understanding and to see if they have any connections with the text. Students also have three word work activities to do with commonly misspelled words and a partial products math sheet.

I think that is all for now. Thanks for reading and have a fantastic week!


Happy Love Day!


Hello Families!

We are off to another busy week in 4A! So busy in fact that we didn’t get our homework copied or a blog post done yesterday so we are playing a bit of catch up today! I want to start off by saying a huge thank you for all the support that was given to students in completing their procedural writing projects. I was blown away by what the class came up with and am looking forward to continuing on with the presentations this week.

We are making great progress with our math outcomes on multiplying and dividing by one and two digit numbers despite some snow day setbacks. This week we are working on dividing two digit numbers by one digit numbers with and without remainders and demonstrating understanding with a picture. We have been discussing how a division question can have the same digits but may have a different picture associated with it depending on how it is asked. For example, if the question says that there are 39 apples divided equally into 6 baskets, how many apples in each basket? The picture would look different than if it said 39 apples are put in groups of 6, how many groups will there be? Ask your child to draw you a picture of the difference!

We will be working more this week on our reading comprehension strategies and how to demonstrate understanding by showing evidence of what we read in our answers to questions. The kiddos are still working on really proving the answers to questions about what they read thoroughly and in complete sentences.

This Friday is Valentine’s Day and we will be having a little celebration of friendship. The kiddos are welcome to bring in Valentines to share with their classmates and will have time to exchange them. Bringing Valentines in is optional. If a student does choose to bring in Valentines, it is important that they bring one for every classmate (not just their select close friends). This prevents any hurt feelings and no one is left out. If you choose to send in a small treat to share that is welcome, although, I know many have already sent goodies this week accompanying presentations! I will post a class list of names below to be sure no one is forgotten!

Don’t forget that Monday is Islander Day so please enjoy the long weekend with your loved ones. Thanks for reading and have a great week!


Lukas Baglole
Shuvomoy Barma
Molly Casford
Maxon Chan
Cate Christian
Hannah Clow
Taulant Curri
Addison Cusack
Andrew Daye
Nick Do
Isabella Hill
Levi Ingersoll
Nash Langille
Avery MacDonald
Ella MacDonald
Ellie MacDonald
Jessie MacDonald
Quinn MacDonald
Charlize Murphy
Rylan Perry
Olivia Rowell
Joyeeta Roy
Gracie Smith
Emma Toms
Charlotte Turner





Wow, where does the time go? I can’t believe we are into February already! Learning reports will be going home in about a month and we have lots to finish up between now and then.

Mrs. Dickie will be with us for the rest of the week to finish up our multiplication unit. The class has really enjoyed having her and we thank her for her time and investment in 4A. We will be moving into one digit by two and three digit division with and without remainders in the next few days.

Due to the storm day and some workshops we had scheduled last Friday, our moderated marking writing assessments are carrying over a bit into this week. Many are finished and hopefully the rest will wrap up by tomorrow.

A reminder that the class has their procedural presentations due a week from today so hopefully everyone has a good start on these.

One of the workshops that we attended last week was on coding using the program “Scratch”. It is a free web-based program that gets kids into some of the basics of using a computer language to program. Ask your kiddo to show you what they learned!

I think that is all for now. Thanks for reading and have a great week.
