Monthly Archives: April 2017

Hello everyone!


We have a busy and somewhat mixed up week here in 5A with the Spring concert rehearsals taking place to make sure everyone is prepared for the big show on Wednesday!

In math we have moved on to measurement and converting measurements within the metric units of mm, cm, m, km. So far everyone is getting along well and enjoying using the rulers and measuring all kinds of objects. The trickiest part seems to be when dividing is necessary in the conversion. Ex. 600mm=_____cm. We are also reviewing multiplication and division strategies to keep them fresh and in practice.

Students are making good progress on their Informational Reports in writing. Students should be pretty much finished researching their information and beginning the first draft of the report over the next day or so.

We finished our read aloud “Hiding Edith” and the kids are now drafting letters to Edith that will demonstrate their thoughts, feelings and understanding of the text.

In Science we started our work on the skeletal system and the class seems very interested in the topic of body systems and how they work.

Reminder that the Spring Concert is Wednesday at 6pm …students asked to be here at 5:40pm

As we are all aware West Royalty is being affected by the re-zoning that is to take place for September of 2017. We have a number of kids in 5A being impacted. There will be a letter going home tomorrow that explains the process and hopefully answers some questions that families have. All the staff at West Royalty will do everything they can to ensure the smoothest possible transition for all students involved.

Thanks for reading,


Quick Note:



The Science tests went home today…please sign and return them to school. Also, packages of spring photos went home today. If you want to keep any or all of the photos simply keep what you want and send in the payment and any unwanted photos. If you don’t want any of them please just have your child return the whole package to school. There is an insert inside the package with all pricing information.





I hope everyone had an enjoyable long weekend. The month is flying by but I am very happy with the progress we have been making despite the short weeks.

The kiddos had their Science quiz today and I will have them back either tomorrow or Friday so be sure to be on the lookout for those. In Science we are starting our Human Body Systems unit with the skeletal system.

The class has been working really well on the research for their informational reports on Indigenous groups. They have been learning a lot, not only about the group they are studying but also about organizing their information, taking jot notes, and keeping track of sources. Next we will be moving on to the writing phase. We have made up a chart for what should be included in a quality informational report.

In math we are just about finished up with our division strategies and the class has been very successful with finding the method that works for them and applying it to problem solving. I have been encouraging them to practice the traditional method as it will make their lives easier next year when they are dividing decimal numbers, but the repeated subtraction method is what they are expected to be able to use in grade five.

Next week is the Spring Concert that is featuring the grades four and five classes. There are rehearsals going on next week and the performance for friends and family is next Wednesday, April 26th at 6:00pm. Students are asked to be at the school by 5:40pm.

Tomorrow we are very fortunate to have Olympic Gold Medalist Heather Moyse visiting to talk to the grades five and six students about her inspiring life.

I have not been receiving weekly word work scribblers from several students. They are expected to hand these in at the end of the week with the completed nightly word work activities. I have reminded them that it is their responsibility to pass these in so if parents could check in with their child and ask if they have been completing their homework it would be much appreciated.

I think that is all for now; as always, thanks for reading!


Spring is in the air…finally!


Wow, the time is just flying by, especially with these short weeks! I have reminded the class that we still have lots to accomplish over this final stretch and we can’t let “Spring Fever” take over just yet. 🙂

Word work this week is a continuation of the words from last week. With two short weeks it makes more sense to spend the extra time with the words rather than rushing into another pattern. The test will be on Thursday.

Today I sent a Science quiz review sheet home with students. The test will be next Wednesday (April 19th). We went over the review in class and everyone highlighted the material that they are responsible for. They should all be taking their green Science duo-tang home each night this week for review.

In math we are continuing our work on dividing 3digits by 1 digit. We will be learning a couple of different strategies for this and so far I am seeing good progress. Ask your child about the method they learned today and see how it compares to the traditional long division method.

We are starting our work on explanatory report writing this week with a general introduction to the genre. We will be reading samples to familiarize the kids with the style and so they can see what should be included. We will then create a set of criteria as a class that will include all the elements that count in explanatory writing.

I think that is all for now. Thanks for reading!



Hi There!


Just checking in with a quick update for this week.

I want to thank everyone for their support for this year’s Heritage Fair. The kids have all worked so hard and should be very proud on themselves. We will finish up our in-class presentations tomorrow and should be ready to roll for Thursday. Families are welcome to come and visit the Heritage Fair in the gym on Thursday from 1:05-2:05 pm. A reminder to students that there will be a lot of patience required while waiting for judges to make the rounds. Students should bring a book to read and they may bring a handheld electronic device with permission from home. A reminder that there is no wifi available for devices.

Our Science Test on weather will be next week (Wednesday or Thursday), and I will send home a review sheet this Thursday to help students with their studying.

In math we are working on division. I will be introducing a couple of different strategies beginning with a method that uses multiplication of multiples of 10 and repeated subtraction. Below is a video link that shows a version of this strategy.

That is all for now. Thanks for reading!
