

I am beyond excited to see my Sweet 4A faces tomorrow…finally! Thanks to those who sent me three interesting facts about your child for our trivia game! If you haven’t and get a chance tonight or first thing tomorrow, that would be awesome! Don’t forget a blanket to sit on and some water and of course, Put on your sunscreen as it’s gonna be a hot one!
See you soon!

Together again…finally~


End of Year Celebration

I am so excited for our celebration next week! Due to the Covid 19 guidelines we must meet in two groups and students are reminded that we must always maintain 6 feet of physical distance between each individual at all times. 

I am hoping each child will be able to bring a small blanket and we will have a picnic style gathering outside, weather permitting. If it is raining we will be in the classroom. Each celebration will be one hour and it is asked that drop off and pick up be promptly at the time assigned, as there are other classes also having celebrations on the same day. 

Tuesday June 23rd  
12:15 -1:15 pm 2:15- 3:15 pm
Cate Molly
Isabella Charlize
Ella Nick
Nash Maxon
Quinn Andrew
Rylan Jessie
Emma Olivia
Joyeeta Taulant
Levi Addison
Gracie Hannah
Lukas Ellie


  • Students should be dropped off outside the grade 3/4 doors.
  • Parents need to remain in their car during drop off and pick up times. We will be asking parents two questions 1) has anyone in the family been out of province in the last 14 days and is required to self-isolate and 2) has anyone in the family had any symptoms of Covid-19? If your answer is yes to either of these, your child can NOT attend.
  • Teachers will meet students. When students get out of the car they will go to a designated spot – teachers will direct them.
  • Students will be in the same designated spot when parents pick them up.

** If your child is walking or biking, parents MUST email the teacher in the morning to answer the required health questions. 

Important reminders:

  • Please emphasize to your child the importance of proper physical distancing (6 feet apart). This must happen at all times.
  • If at all possible our celebration will be held outside, so students should dress appropriately and wear sunscreen.
  • If available, students should bring hand sanitizer with them.
  • Students should go to the washroom before coming to school. There will be no washroom breaks except in exceptional circumstances.
  • The school water fountains are closed, so if students want a drink of water, they will need to bring their own water bottle. Please label water bottles clearly with your child’s name.
  • We will be providing individually wrapped snacks for the picnic – students do not need to bring food from home but should bring a water bottle. 


As part of our celebration on  Tuesday,  we are going to have TRIVIA!  I am hoping that you will be able to help me to prepare for this! Please send me three interesting pieces of information about your child that their peers might not know about them.  Thanks in advance for your help with this! 


Christine has been to the top of the C.N. Tower.

Christine watched an NHL hockey game in Montreal.

Christine’s  favorite beach on P.E.I. is Basin Head.

Christine’s favorite food is Fettuccine Alfredo.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me! I am so looking forward to seeing my sweet 4A kiddos after far too long! 





Hi families!

Just a quick heads up that I am taking a personal day tomorrow so I won’t be online but will be back on Wednesday! I will follow up later this week regarding more plans  for our gathering next week! I have heard from many, but if you haven’t rsvp’d please do so! I am so excited so see my sweet 4A faces again!!  🙌🏻




Year end celebration!


We will be having our “year end celebration” on Tuesday, June 23rd.

In order to plan for our celebration, I need to know how many of our 4A kiddos will be  attending. Please email me @ to let me know if your child will be able to come. Once I have the exact number of students who will be there, I will get back to you regarding details including what time and what it will look like. We will be following public health guidelines and will gather outside weather permitting. 

This year end activity is optional, however, I would love to see as many of my awesome, amazing 4A superstars as possible to celebrate their strength and resilience! If your kiddo can’t make it, learning reports will be available at the front office during the week of June 22-26.

Please RSVP asap! Thanks so much!


Hi there families!!




I hope your week is going well. I can’t believe we are into our last few weeks of home learning. Thank you for your support and engagement during this time. 


As we move into phase 3 of the Renew P.E.I. Plan, there is more flexibility and potential opportunities for teachers to engage with students in the classroom setting. These meetings are directed by the PSB to be academic in nature and will serve to address a specific need that may have presented challenges for your child during home learning. 


All teachers and students must adhere to restrictions around physical distancing and the guidelines regarding the maximum number of individuals permitted in the space. If families choose to partake, a 30 minute time slot will be arranged on a day the teacher is keeping office hours at the school.  Availability and scheduling will be determined by the classroom teacher while considering Public Health Guidelines. Staggered drop off and pick up times will be required to minimize traffic in and out of the building. One parent must be present at drop off to answer the required pre-arrival questions regarding any recent travel and basic health questions.  A contact number will also be required in case a student should become ill.  For scheduling reasons, pick up times will need to be strictly followed. Hand washing will be implemented.

Please note that this support is not intended to replace the at home learning that we are offering to students currently.  Regular planning will continue to happen for students, as usual, until June 19th! 

If you have any questions or are interested in your child participating please reach out with your academic area of concern. 

There will also be an end of year celebration taking place the last week of June. This will be a social opportunity for students and teachers to spend some time together and reflect on the year (while adhering to Public Health Guidelines). The hope is to celebrate our time together and bring some positive closure to a challenging year. Weather permitting this will take place outside and more information will follow in the coming week!

Thanks so much!


Pick up tomorrow…


Just a reminder that tomorrow is the pick up for student belongings in the gym. It was certainly emotional packing everything up this week! Fingers crossed that I got all the sneakers right!  🤞🏻 The grade four time slot is from 12:30 -1:30pm and it is asked that only one person per family come into the school by the front door.



Hello Families!



I hope you are having a great start to your weekend! I wanted to post today because the kiddos are going to be working on a biography project for next week and I thought some may want to conduct their interview portion over the weekend. They will be choosing someone to interview and will be gathering information about their life. They may choose a grandparent, aunt or uncle or family friend. It may be a good idea to pick someone who has already lived a long life so they have lots to share. They will be using the information they gather to put together a short biography project during writing time next week. The interview questions and further description are posted in google classroom. This isn’t required for the weekend but I wanted to give the option as people’s schedules may be more flexible and it may be nice to start the week with the information already gathered. Thanks for reading and enjoy the sunshine!


Hello Families!



I want to start by saying a huge thank you to all the families and kiddos who came out to the car parade last week! I was so happy to see the smiling faces that I miss so much even through the rain and wind at times! I also want to thank everyone again for all the hard work you are putting in at home. I have to admit that from a teacher perspective it is tough to do the prep work and not actually be able to deliver the material and interact with the class in person, but we are all doing the best we can under the circumstances.

I am hoping to do some more check in phone calls over the next couple of weeks and look forward to hopefully chatting with the kids as well. We still have no further information about retrieval of personal belongings from the school but will update you as soon as I hear.

A reminder that this is a long weekend for some, so I will be posting for Tuesday through Friday next week. It looks like sunshine in the forecast so please enjoy and as always contact me if you have any feedback or questions regarding home learning.

Thanks for reading,
